Club nears membership limit

As we welcome Darren Bell, Richard Hemming and Terry Gibson to the club I'm pleased to be able to report membership at record levels since the 1970s. We maintain a limit of 40 to ensure that the waters are not overfished. The fact is that it's still rare to bump into another angler on the banks which is the way most members and landowners like it.

In other news I've now moved the website to another package as the old one was no longer supported. I also took the opportunity to give it a full makeover. Hopefully the changes will make it easier to stay up to date with important news as well as attracting in new membership enquiries. We may even need a waiting list! 

I've added a new widget to the welcome page that gives you a live reading of the water level on the Leadon at Weddeburn bridge which is a couple of miles downstream of our stretch at Upleadon. 

Trevor's latest text update reports the river at perfect levels for a spot of coarse fishing for chub and perch if you fancy venturing out. Let me know how you get on via the catch return..even if it's a blank! If you are not on the text update list and would like to be please let either Trevor or me have your mobile number.

Finally a big thanks to all of the members who helped out with the habitat improvement work led by Trevor through the autumn. The effort looks like it will really pay off. We should have a detailed report from Brecht Morris of the Environment Agency shortly highlighting further improvements we might want to consider on the Durbridge stretch. 

Thats all for now. Have a happy and healthy XMAS break and hope to catch up with some of you in the new year. 


Chub from Lassington stretch